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Defend Jesus: The Olympics Controversy
Dear Fellow-Christians;
As you are aware, a blasphemous and offensive event took place during the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Paris, where actors blatantly mocked the Last Supper and ridiculed other biblical events.
It is not a coincidence that this attack on our faith comes at a time when Catholics around the world are taking a renewed focus on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament -- a time of Eucharistic Revival!
Blasphemy is the greatest and the gravest of sins against God. Pope Pius XI's 1928 Encyclical On Reparation to the Sacred Heart teaches us why this kind of prayerful atonement is so important. (You can find a copy of the document referencing this after the video below.)
We have a duty as Christians to defend our faith, to defend Jesus, and to make reparation for this blasphemy to His Sacred Heart. What you can do to make reparations for this blasphemy:
Offer an hour of Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament. You can find more information about Eucharistic Adoration on our website by following this link.
Pray for the grace of repentance and conversion of all those that were part of this horrific spectacle by praying the Novena to the Divine Mercy and the Chaplet of Mercy. Pray the Act of Reparation for Blasphemies Uttered Against the Holy Name of Jesus.
Unless your health prevents you, please also make a day of fasting as requested by Cardinals and Bishops.
Educate yourself on the Real Presence of the Lord, the significance of the Blessed Sacrament, and other matters concerning your Catholic Faith. Visit the "Why We're Catholic" page on our website to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic Church, and be reminded of the beauty of Catholicism.
Please voice your objection to the Olympic Opening Ceremony in Paris and their blatant mocking of our Lord Jesus and their gaslighting attempts at minimizing it.
Send an email to:
Call (International): 011-4121-621-6111
Visit their website:
Write to them at:
Maison Olympique
Rte de Vdy 9
1007 Lausanne
In his homily during Mass on 28-July 28-2024 at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy, Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, talks about the controversy surrounding the Olympic Opening Ceremony. Here's a link to the video:
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